A bit About Us

Welcome to Riskbuster,

This policy has been designed to ensure that you are not left with a GAP in cover and are short paid when you have a loss under which your existing policy which may only cover a limited or restricted loss value.

Riskbuster and its product range has been specifically developed out of actual claims events over many years.

Our Approach

The product started in 2009, from a single claim event and to which multiple claim events were added as clients experienced losses which their insurance policy either rejected or had a limited claim pay-out.

The product kept evolving as new cover needs were identified by market needs, broker intervention and increasing gaps in existing policies not all catering for full indemnity, this created a substantially value-added proposition to clients and brokers.

This is not just a new product off the shelf which was thought out over a weekend.  It is a tried tested and a solid value for money “gap-cover” policy. Each of the product’s covers are the subject of an actual clients claim/s which a client had suffered.

Accordingly, this product was developed from specific events which occurred and where brokers and clients requested additional assistance or consideration on claims for which their clients were not fully indemnified.

A) This product caters for Claim Losses incurred by clients which are, either

  • short paid by their insurance policy or
  • Partially paid for by their insurance policy
  • Not covered by their insurance policy
  • Policyholder never selected or opted out of additional cover exposures provided by the insurance policy – as the client/s believed the loss would never happen to them.
  • Advance cover extensions which provide additional fill-up or even ground up cover.

B) Broker Exposure

  • Client retention by ensuring the claim shortfall is met and reducing client loss due to unhappy client/s after a reduced claim pay-out.
  • Ringfencing of the client’s policy with the broker where competing brokers don’t offer the cover
  • Avoidance and reduction in FAIS complaints and Risk exposure on clients’ portfolios
  • Avoiding potential flagging of complaints against the Brokerage with the Regulatory Authorities.
  • The product has been thoroughly tested and supported by numerous brokerages and eventually became an automatic product offer to the client when performing the client’s needs analysis, and renewals.


Does the following scenario, paint the picture?

  • Unforeseen small losses that seem to pitch up when least expected?
  • But my policy will cover it ……. Submit the claim
  • Oh – ok the cover limit is in the policy extensions?
  • It is only a small claim!
  • Wow – is that what it costs to replace
  • THEN!!!!!!
  • Why is my claim payment less than my loss?
  • Why does my policy not cover my full loss?
  • Restricted policy limits?
  • I did not expect that the loss is more than the policy limit.
  • I lost more than what my policy paid out!!!!